The Journey Begins…

Thank you for those of you who were praying!! In November 2018 Wojtek completed and PASSED his 2-week long technical evaluation of his pilot and mechanic skills. This was no small feat. He had to essentially prove he was level headed and skilled enough to land and take off on a 600 ft grass strip in the bush and be adaptable to all sorts of scenarios and changes. He nailed it!

We were really in prayer about this eval, because essentially the Lord could have either opened or closed the door to missions at this juncture. We were at total peace going into it, knowing that the Lord’s plan is always the best, but we were willing to go overseas should He open that door.

Doors flung open…

Once we were officially accepted as part of JAARS, which is the flying arm of Wycliffe Bible Translators we then had the challenge of selecting a site. We had originally felt pulled towards PNG, but the process of selection solidified that choice for us. Ideally we wanted a location where we both could serve. Wojtek as a pilot/mechanic working to progress the Bible translation work, and Jen as an RN, ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of the people there. In order for us both to work we both had to be able to get visas AND there needed to be an acceptable school for our kids. PNG fit ALL of these things for us. Not to mention….

Is home to over 800 languages!!!! out of those 800 languages, the majority have NO portion of Scripture translated into their native tongue, the language of their heart. As a result, there is a TON of work to be done in PNG. And with no roads to connect the villages, aviation becomes a necessary support to the linguists who are going out into the bush to learn the native languages and to give them the Word of God.

2 thoughts on “The Journey Begins…”

  1. So excited for you and your family! What an opportunity! Not only am I a teacher, but my husband and I have a prison ministry here in Maryland. Will tell you about it sometime. I would love to receive your emails, etc. and will be praying as you go out to raise your prayer and financial support.


  2. God always gives the BEST to those who leave the choice with Him! May God work in and through you for His Glory and the good of the souls of Papua New Guinea. May His Kingdom be mightily advanced! Esther


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